Many drivers who get involved in a car crash are inexperienced and are those who exhibit irresponsible behaviour towards the radar speed sign. For teenagers and young boys, driving is one sure step towards independence but they often forget to balance the newly discovered adventure with safe behaviours. Here are 10 essential tips for new drivers, follow these if you want to stay safe on the roads.
- Know more about your car- When you get a car, the first thing you owe is to learn about your vehicle. You must be aware of all the features, functions and know the basics when your start driving your vehicle. Be patient, learn everything, be attentive to user fare display and drive only after you get familiar with your car.
- Correct the sitting position- Accurate sitting position can avoid the chances of getting involved in a crash. Always sit with your back fully cupped into the driver’s seat. Sit upright and don’t bend down.
- Obey traffic rules- This is the most important rule of driving a vehicle. No matter whether you are driving for the first time or you are an expert, you have to follow the traffic rules.
- Look at the signboards- Never exceed the speed limit because excess speed causes majority of the accident. Don’t drive your car like you own the road. Give attention to the variable message sign boards and follow the information displayed.
- Adjust all the mirrors- every time you enter the driver’s seat, you should check the mirrors and adjust so that they show what’s coming behind you. Stay away from the distractions, and keep your eyes focussed every single second.
- Use turn signals- Be alert whenever you take a turn. Give indication to other drivers around you and let them know that about your intention of changing the lane.
- Maintain some distance- Even though most of the modern cars have powerful brake system, yet we would recommend you to maintain a safe distance from the vehicles around you.
- Avoid your mobile phone- Inexperienced drivers are always under the risk of meeting accidents when driving on busy roads. Majority of accidents occur when youngsters use mobile phones. So, the best possible solution would be avoiding your phone.
- Never drive to someone else blind spot- Check your spot whenever you take a turn or change the lane.
- Always wear your seat belt- In case of a collision, a belted passenger can stay safe when compared to an unbelted passenger.
You must obey all these rules if you are a new drive. Keep these rules in your mind and always remember, Precautions is better than cure.