To understand how critical highway road signs are to your property, for a moment imagine the consequences if you lacked needful signs. The results of proper signage on the open road would be just as severe as no signs.
Driving down the road, we see hundreds of traffic signs. We have learned that red means stop, yellow means caution, and green means go. Traffic signs tell us where to go and how to safely reach that destination. For this purpose, it is essential for road commissions, businesses, schools, and communities to properly place signs on their roads.
Proper sign placement involves more than installing a traffic sign. It is very important to place them where they belong, but you must also consider what grade of sign to place. Take, for example, a stop sign. This simple, well-recognized sign is incredibly important when it comes to safety and accident prevention.
The Benefits to Be Gained From Full and Proper Signage
A variety of important highway road signs and other instructional and warning signs may be necessary to keep vehicle and pedestrian traffic flowing freely and safely.
There are many diverse reasons to ensure you have full and proper signage. Here is a partial list of the most important benefits:
- Radar Speed signs at intersections, speed limit postings, directional arrows, ONE WAY or DO NOT ENTER signs, BIKE LANE signs, pedestrian crossing signs, and other regulatory signs prevent confusion, inefficiency, and accidents.
- Warning signs alert drivers and pedestrians alike to exercise extra caution. This includes CHILDREN PRESENT, Deer/Duck/Animal crossing, and CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP signs.
- Guide signs, fully customized to your particular needs direct visitors to the correct building, parking lot, or other location by the quickest possible route. Elementary schools may wish to post pick-up/drop-off point signs, businesses and colleges may indicate the function of each building by a sign, and state parks will use custom-printed signs to guide overnight guests to the right campground or trailer hook up.
- Many signs are required under federal, state, or local regulations. These include highway traffic signs but also OSHA and special safety signs. Signs keep you compliant and avoid heavy and embarrassing fines.
- By helping you avoid accidents, signs also prevent costly lawsuits which can drain your investment capital reserves and produce bad publicity.
Mobile variable message signs
Mobile variable message signs provide a flexible way to communicate messages, alerts, and warnings by the roadside.
LED sign network makes motorists aware of these situations to ensure safe traffic conditions. Any deviation from "safe conditions" can alert motorists via an updated status alert, like an alternate route to by-pass the incident.
- Real-time traffic management, safety messages, and warnings
- Effective traffic management based on current traffic conditions
- Smooth and safe traffic flow especially during peak hours
- Ability to monitor and react to roadway incidents
- Stress-free motorists
- Displays road condition information effectively